Introductions are in order......

 Hey there, 

Glad you made it here :-) This part of the blog will hold my thoughts, such as they are, about the research itself, and fun facts found while "doing the work". I'll ramble, no doubt about that, but I'll also try to help by posting about as much information sources as I come across and things I learned over time to pay attention to.  If you have questions, just leave a comment and I'll either give the answer as a regular post, or if it's a quick answer, I'll answer directly on your post.

Over the last 30 years of doing research, one way or another, I found and discovered A LOT of information and ways how (not) to do and/or share research, so there will be a lot of that drifting thru the blog, as well as my pet-peeves, so if you expect a listing of does, don'ts or facts and information, you may run away screaming. If you are looking for an informal, friend to friend conversation about a hobby that has hopelessly ran off the rails...... hang around, we'll get along famously! :-)

I may not post regularly, but that's because I seem to have more going on than is practical to stuff in a regular day, and I haven't found a way to extend the day into a roomy 35 hours yet, so some things will come along in due time, when all the "have to's" are taken care of.

Meanwhile..... Hug a loved one!!


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